¶ ErrorAlert.jsThis class uses a component which displays the appropriate alert depending on the platform The main purpose here is to determine if there is an error and then plucking off the message depending on the shape of the error object. |
'use strict';
¶ Imports |
var Config = require('../config'),
internals = {},
the authentication package |
Jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'),
redis for blacklisting tokens |
redisClient = require('../database/redis'),
mongoose user object |
User = require('../database/models/User.js');
private key for signing |
internals.privateKey = Config.crypto.privateKey;
¶ validateWhen a route is configured w/ 'auth', this validate function is invoked If the token wasn't invalidated w/ logout, then validate its for a user When a user logs out, the token they were using is saved to Redis and checked here to prevent re-use |
internals.validate = function (request, decodedToken, callback) {
var credentials = {};
credentials have 'Bearer dfadfsdf' |
var headers = request.headers.authorization.split(' ');
if (headers.length === 2) {
does redis have the token |
redisClient.get(headers[1], function (err, reply) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, false, credentials);
oops - it's been blacklisted - sorry |
if (reply) {
return callback({message: 'invalid auth token'}, false, credentials);
ok - valid token, do we have a user? note we're only using 'id' - that's because the user can change their email and username |
User.findById(decodedToken.id, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, false, credentials);
} else {
credentials = user;
return callback(err, true, credentials);
create token |
internals.createToken = function (obj) {
return Jwt.sign(obj, internals.privateKey);
set jwt auth strategy |
internals.setJwtStrategy = function (server) {
server.auth.strategy('token', 'jwt', {
key: internals.privateKey,
validateFunc: internals.validate
module.exports = {
setStrategy: internals.setJwtStrategy,
createToken: internals.createToken